1. The dictionary meaning of 'CIVIL' is 'about the citizens. Thus all the activities and the basic areas in civil engineering aims at the betterment, safety and convinience of the people or society. 2. Civil engineering is the only branch which deals directly with the two of the basic needs of the human being i.e. Food and shelter. 3. Professional branch deals with design,construction and maintenance of physical and natural built environment such as bridges, roads ,canals,dams & building . 4. It also helps in economic growth through proper land use,providing communication network ( roads,railways,airports etc.) and other basic facilities,services and amenities for planned growth of rural and urban areas. ROLE OF CIVIL ENGG IN GENERAL 1. Planning 2. Selection of proper site 3. Preparing site plan 4. Taking field measurments by using the knowledge of surveying and levelling 5. Preparing building plan 6. Designing ...