
Showing posts from February, 2020

Channel Information Civil Engineering By Pravin Mane

Please watch the youtube channel " All about Civil Engineering" by Pravin Mane. The channel has custom URL as " ". The channel shares the practical as well as theoretical information about CIVIL ENGINEERING. It also shares information about software's used in civil engineering like Auto CAD , MS Project etc.The General Knowledge videos are also shared through this channel and many more videos related to " study of competitive examination preparation. So Please watch the videos of above channel to get necessary information about civil engineering. Also if you like the videos please do share it and subscribe the channel. Through this blog I'm pleased to share all the detailed presentation proofs of all the videos.

Presentation (QMS at Construction Project)

Presentation on Quality Management System at Construction Project (Dissertation Presentation).

Publications in National or International Journals

Details about my Publications in National or International Journals